We are pleased to announce the 2024 OpenMS User Meeting.
When: 17 and 18 October 2024
Where: KNIME GmbH, Körtestr. 10, 10967 Berlin, Germany

  1. Basic Introduction to Data Analysis with OpenMS (2 days, 17-18 Oct) led by Sam Wein
  2. Advanced Tutorial: programming with pyOpenMS (1 day, 17 Oct) led by Matteo Pilz
  3. Advanced Tutorial: web-apps with OpenMS (1 day, 18 Oct) led by Axel Walter
  4. Advanced Tutorial: top-down proteomics with OpenMS (1 day, 17 Oct) led by Kyowon Jeong
  5. Advanced Tutorial: DIA Proteomics with OpenSwath/OpenMS (1 day, 18 Oct) led by Joshua Charkow

Registration is 200 Euros for Thursday the 17th (including coffee/tea, lunch, dinner and poster session), 150 Euros for Friday the 18th (including coffee/tea and lunch) and 300 Euros for both days combined. The Meeting is planned such that one can attend the OpenMS User Meeting in Berlin 17-18 October and HUPO in Dresden 20-24 October 2024
Click here to register
